Ask Sally
I recently discovered I actually have readers! So I guess I'm not always talking to myself!!! tee hee Well I decided to share some email correspondence I received (hope that's OK Alison) and feel free to put in your two cents if you have additional advice to share, just post in my comments. Also, if you have a question of your own, email me!
Dear Sally,
I really enjoy your blog and scrapbook layouts. I would really like to start scrapbooking, but feel a little overwhelmed. I never have enough pictures to make an entire book. Sometimes I don't even have enough to make a 2 page by page layout.
I have a friend who just bought a 3 ring binder and when she would ever have one page done she would add it. When you would open the book, the 2 pages had nothing to do with each other. Even if I did start a small book, what is your first page normally about? Does it have a picture or just something about the theme? I would love it if you had any ideas or suggestions for me.
Wow, thanks for the compliment! I guess one thing you should do is start taking more pictures! *wink*
Well if you know my style, you know I like to use a TON of pictures, but every once in a while, I do a layout with just one. It's a nice change with the right photo. You can even get larger prints and mix it up!
When I have too many pictures for one page and not enough for 2 (or I'm trying to avoid a 3rd page) I sometimes hide some in a little flip out or pull out element. I just did that yesterday with a page as a matter of fact. I folded a strip of patterned paper in thirds and attached it to the page with one picture on top. I put a little folded piece of ribbon at the bottom so you can tell it opens and when you lift the top piece there are two more photos...then you can fold down the inside and you see the journaling. Super easy!
If you do this just cut a slit in the page protector to provide access to the hidden elements! Another thought is to alter the size of your album, you could do a 6x6 or 8x8 instead of 8 1/2 x 11 or 12x12. As far as having pages that compliment each other inside your book, a sure way to accomplish that is to do themed albums. Some people do an album for vacations, one for birthdays, a Christmas album...etc. This is perfect for someone who doesn't want to scrap EVERYTHING. I personally prefer to just scrap chronologically....but I'm on a mission to scrap EVERYTHING! hee hee I was actually in a rut for a long time because I was stuck in the late 90's, but one day I decided to do some current events and I was liberated. I got on a roll that hasn't stopped yet! I have about 5 albums going at the same time, but it helps me stay interested and continue to scrap. Do whatever makes you happy! If I didn't answer this right or I missed something, let me know! You are welcome to call me too. I never get bored of talking about scrapping!
Sally Saenz
Something that I realize now that I did not address is an intro page when you first open the album. I have one book with a page in the cover that conveys what you'll find inside, but I don't usually do a page in the front just to "announce" the rest of the book. It can be frustrating if you find that you want to begin with a DPS, so in that instance an intro page would be could be something as simple as "Saenz Family 2006 - 2007" or if you are doing a themed album, "Christmas with the Saenz' 1995 - 2000" you get the idea!
Here's a few examples of hidden elements: These were just done Saturday during VSBN, and this is the page I was describing to Alison in my email response. The photo on the upper right of the page has a little loop of ribbon and you can flip it up to see more pictures.
I didn't take another photo of the bottom photo flipped down, but the journaling is under there.
This next page just has a pull out where the journaling is. It probably could have used a little tab of ribbon as well, but if you slit your page protector and leave it sticking out, that should be a clear indicator to give it a tug!
Gorgeous layouts! ;)
You have some interesting ideas and suggestions for scrapbooking! I'm like you, I enjoy having multiple scrapbooks going at once. I have about 6 right now--an 8x8 for each of my 2 granddaughters, one fall album for Halloween, pumpkin farm, Thanksgiving, etc., 1 general for each DGD and one that chronicles visits our Aussie friend who has visited us in the US for a week each year for four years.
I like the idea of adding pull-outs and such for extra journaling or photos. I haven't tried it yet--cutting a slit in the page, but I plan to do that soon. I also just ordered some pages that have extension flaps (shutters)so you can expand a page without flipping to the next page. Don't know how they'll work out yet, but it seems like a cool idea!
Thanks for sharing your ideas and also for your involvement in the SCS challenges!! I'm on board now!
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